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How Have I Not Heard of These Guys Sooner??!!!!

Photo Credit to Shimon Karmel

Hope all is well with everyone during these odd and stressful times of COVID-19. Lady Siren Song here checking in with another music review of an epic album by an incredibly talented band out of Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada. This is a review of the new album “Abyss” by Unleash the Archers!

Abyss is another concept album by Unleash the Archers which serves as a continuation of the story of the Immortal and his travels over time as a weapon of sorts to the Matriarch, who we learned from the album ‘Apex’ is an evil sorceress that has control over the Immortal. For me to understand what I was hearing in ‘The Abyss,’ I did go back and listen to, as well as watch the videos for ‘Apex.” The story and lyrical writing for the story is impressive. Each song, through both albums paints a clear picture of the journey of the immortal. But with ‘Abyss,’ he finds himself awakened by someone other than the Matriarch. And the story continues with a new journey to free himself from the involuntary servitude to the Matriarch.

Unleash the Archers has been around for over a decade (since 2007 to be exact). Its primary members being Brittney Slayes (vocals) and Scott Buchanan (drums) who originally formed the band. Over time, they have had several guitarists and bass players, but the final lineup includes Grant Truesdell and Andrew Kingsley on guitars, backing and unclean vocals. This group has so much versatility in their performing, writing and composition skills that it is jaw dropping.

Brittney is a classically trained vocalist classified as a mezzo-soprano with a four-octave range. She has mentioned in numerous interviews that she drew inspiration in her singing from metal gods such as Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford, Geoff Tate, and Daniel Heiman among others. And you can hear that inspiration in those screams and wails she performs. Grant can not only provide seriously guttural screams while singing, but he, along with Andrew provide some beautiful harmonies while singing in tandem with Brittney. It sounds flawless. In addition to their singing and screaming skills, Grant and Andrew are lightning fast but precise guitarists. Their riffs move at warp speed, yet they are perfectly in sync with each other. They kind of remind me of Tim Öhrström and Jonas Jarlsby of Avatar. Scott Buchanan is…just…holy crap! Master of double bass drums, I give so much credit to him as a drummer for playing so damn fast! Playing at that speed requires a lot of coordination of all four limbs but also the control and mental fortitude to be hitting the correct notes at the right time. Major kudos to Scott!

I really don’t have any “favorites” on this album. I loved the entire album, and the storyline was so dramatic and emotional to hear. But I will highlight a few of the songs here:

Abyss – The title track of the album describes the Immortal being awakened and confused as to his location. He is unaware of what his next “task” will be. He knows it is too soon for him to be awakened and doesn’t know who awakened him this time. Though he feels alone, he is determined to move forward and see what awaits him in this new journey. Brittney opens with some impressive wails. But the second of those wails is more astounding because she flexes her vocal muscles by starting at a lower register and then shifting higher and then back down. Not to mention…that was a long wail to hold! The guys are rapid fire on guitars and drums and this song is a prime example of the beautifully blended harmonies provided by Grant and Andrew flowing perfectly with Brittney’s voice. (insert drool emoji here).

Legacy – This starts of very mellow…until the drums and guitars come in. This is a fast one guys. Vocals are accompanied very well, and vocals echoed at periods. Synthesizers are used at key points. This story is where the Immortal meets the grandson of the Matriarch who explains how he, “finally found the words…the ones I knew would wake you…to take you from her and to make you mine.” The grandson swipes the weapon (the Immortal) away from his evil grandmother. Listen to “Return to Me” for the Matriarch’s raging demand to return the Immortal back to her.

Carry the Flame – A duet! This song has an 80’s rock flare to it mixed with modern technique. Duet vocals by Brittney Slayes and Andrew Kingsley. Now you know what I mean by the guys can SING!!! His voice is a perfect match for hers. This is a bit of a power ballad that tells of the death of the Matriarch’s grandson who is telling the Immortal that he is finally free from the curse of having to serve the Matriarch.

The Wind that Shapes the Land – an epic 8 minute 37 second battle song between the Matriarch and the Immortal. Filled with edgy guitar solos and battle cries by Brittney, this song has a little something for everyone.

Afterlife – This is a song with many ups and downs. Lovely flute and string components, melodic chorus, but also heavy and dramatic. The song opens with guitars and vocals and flows into a peaceful orchestral section and then, in true UTA fashion, goes into breakneck speed guitar riffs and vocals paired with screams by Grant. The vocals are split into clean vocals and screams. They are two sides. Two options. Brittney’s vocals represent the lighter side of the Immortal that wants to do good by others. Help those that are in despair. As one line in the 4th verse states, “vengeance will not make me whole.” While Grant’s screaming vocals represents the darker options of getting revenge on those who committed transgressions in the past. The opportunity to be “master of all,” and rule with an iron fist. But in reality…what kind of a life is it to be controlled by someone. Puppets to be controlled by the puppeteer. Freedom to live his own life is what he has been hoping and fighting for, and he finally has it. It’s a fitting way to end the album. it really the end?

That’s it for this review. I honestly don’t know how the hell I am just finding this band now. But I am now a big fan of all their work. Give them a listen. As per usual we have links to their website and social media below. Stay safe out there.

Lady Siren Song

Just a quick note, Unleash the Archers are doing a replay of their album release show beginning on this Friday, September 11, 2020 at 9pm EDT until 9pm EDT on Sunday, September 13, 2020. If you are craving a live show during these times, and want to show support for the band, go grab a ticket at the link below and enjoy!

Unleash the Archers Links

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