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Hearing the Call of the Music...

Hello Mayhem!!

My first post in what has been a very long time. I've missed all of you, my family at MMN and mostly, the music. It's been a busy and emotional several years for me. Personally I am working on my Master's Degree in Criminal Justice, working full time, had some health issues (including a minor surgical procedure), and the loss of several family members. I bet many of us had hopes of 2020 being a wonderful, positive and successful year...and then...COVID-19 tossed a wrench into that.

While we deal with being locked down, out of work, quarantined as well as being frustrated, scared and concerned for the future, we have had an opportunity through these tough times, to slow down, spend time with family, and work on personal growth (not I don't mean waistband growth...although...maybe for some, lol). We look to other sources to find inspiration, laughs, joy, and distraction. Something to lift us up out of the gloom. For me, that was a call back to music.

In the time I was away from Mayhem, The music was off. I became tired of listening to the same old stuff. So I turned to podcasts. I am a big fan of history, true crime and paranormal stuff. So yes, shout out to Morbid: A True Crime Podcast, Timesuck with Dan Cummins, Haunted Places, Queens Podcast and Scared to Death. They held my interest, made me laugh, gave me chills and made me feel a range of emotions. But there was something missing...the music. So I started opening my ears and listening to some tunes, some new, some old and some I never thought I would listen to.

What I want to do with this post, besides re-entering the Mayhem Music Network world, is to see what you...yes YOU...the fans are listening to in this difficult period of time. Have you found new music? Perhaps looking into some suggestions of bands by friends (or perhaps us), looking back to the time of your parents and grandparents to see what music was like then. Have you picked up an instrument?

On the suggestion of a friend (Rhonda...**wink**) I looked into Blacktop Mojo. I didn't think I would like their music, but hello! Amazing ear candy. Not to mention, they did an incredible job covering 'Dream On' by Aerosmith. But the song that REALLY pulled me back was 'Prodigal.' For those of you that know the tale of The Fall of Icarus, you will find hints of it in this song. Got chills. It is a beautiful song and performed with so much emotion. It speaks of struggle but finding a way to get back up on your feet. While the lesson reminds us not to get too egotistical or arrogant (represented by Icarus flying too close to the sun), it reminds us to be humble, caring and grounded, but not too grounded that you are walked all over by others. As the lyrics say, "I'll stumble, and I'll fall, but I'll find the strength to carry on." Balance is important. And my favorite song of theirs (blasting it right now), is 'Can't Sleep.' It has really funky bass lines, but a nice swing overall. The verses are rhythmic and almost creepy, then build into the powerful crescendo of the chorus, after which...rhythmically sliding...or slithering back into the next verse. If you have not heard of them, check them out!!!

Let us know what you are listening to during this rough time. Where you are finding inspiration? What new music have you been drawn to or referred to??? Let's hear it!!!

Lady Siren Song

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