Avatar Rocks Hampton Beach, NH

Date of Show: October 5, 2017
Venue: Wally’s Pub, Hampton Beach, NH
Band: Avatar
Photo Credit: Avatar
Johannes Eckerström - Vocals Jonas “Kungen” Jarlsby - Guitar Tim Öhrström- Guitar Henrik Sandelin - Bass John Alfredsson - Drums
Never before had I been so psyched to see a band play live in my life. All I had been hearing the weeks leading up to the show, was what an amazing performance they put on. They did not disappoint. The venue was small, I think it held 200-300 people. So it was pretty packed. Everyone was sweating by the end of the night. But I liked the location (right on the beach), and it is a great area.
So, normally when I’ve been listening to a band for a while, I will make the two hour (or three hour) trek to see them play. This was a bit different in that I had only been listening to the band for 4-5 weeks by the time the event took place. I admit…it took a few tries for me to warm up to them. I tried several times and I was just like, “Nope. Not for me.” But then I saw a video of the two very talented guitarists, Jonas “Kungen” Jarlsby and Tim Öhrström doing what was a “tutorial,” but seemed more like a play through, of “Hail the Apocalypse.” I was hooked. Ok, I need to check them out and give them another chance.
I’m going to admit something here: Sometimes the vocalist of a band can make or break whether I listen to them. I’ve had similar situations with bands where I’m not really huge on the singing, but the instrumentalists keep me listening. No, I’m not naming any of those bands. The guitarists hooked me…could I get used to Johannes’ singing?
I the long run…yes. In fact, his vocal talents are rather unique. One needs to listen carefully to him. Yes, he screams and growls verses, but his clean vocals are pristine. His range itself is very broad, capable of hitting very low baritone notes and higher tenor tones. Which brings me to the next aspect of his singing: He does at times (sometimes it’s very brief and hard to catch), shift his singing to an operatic tone. You will really hear that in their latest single “A Statue of the King.” He has a serious instrument there.
Johannes’ has impressive stage presence. Yes he’s tall, (6’4 I believe) but he’s quite the ringmaster. He was very funny, a bit scary at times and very energetic. Always stays in character. Even when performing the “Fiddler’s Farewell,” he changes costume but the same emotion is there. It was actually amazing when they played that song, because it served to almost calm the audience. You could physically feel it. The band itself is amazing. All stayed in character, very synchronized with the head-banging, but they had a great time up there, and it showed. I do love how John came down from his drum set to center stage for some shenanigans. Johannes whacking Tim off the head with balloons, and Tim just had this huge smile on his face. Kungen joining Tim on a podium as they played simultaneously on a number of occasions. Henrik is one of those bass players that can hold his own. He is a seriously power-house bass player. I don’t even think I saw him use a plectrum (pick) at all during that show. John conducting Tim, Kungen and Henrik like a small orchestra. Johannes at times, conducting the band and the audience as well. All members were very interactive with the audience. Even risking getting pulled into the audience, they came over to shake people’s hands after the show. They are great guys. They seemed very humble and happy to be playing for long-time fans, and making new fans. The New England states are fast becoming part of Avatar Country!
I absolutely loved the show! The band, as a whole, has wonderful chemistry. You see it in the fun they have on stage, how they perform and the audience picks up on that. For a band that started playing together very young, they sure are gaining quite the following. And I wish them more success on their journey together. They are scheduled to come to Boston, Massachusetts in January 2018, and I’m hoping to get to see them again (maybe with a few friends this time). I highly recommend that if you are a fan of their music, or just getting acquainted with it (as I was), to go see them.
-Lady Siren Song