A Band to Keep an Eye On!!!

It’s been some time Mayhem! Lady Siren Song here! I’ve been very busy lately, but music has been part of those busy days. I’m going to try something a little different for you guys. Normally, we do reviews and interviews of bands with existing albums. Here’s a little twist…ok a big twist! I have stumbled upon a new band by the name of Priest. They seem to have a dark look with industrial, techno or electronic sound. They will be releasing the very first single this Thursday, March 9, 2017. I wanted to reach out to try and get to know them a bit better and see what they have in store for us music fans. The Puppet Master was kind enough to answer a few questions for me. Enjoy the read, check out their site https://www.facebook.com/priestofficial/, and check out their single when it comes out! Let me know your thoughts!! --Lady Siren Song
You are a brand new band! We know very little about you guys. Can you tell us a little bit about yourselves and how Priest came together?
Puppet Master: First of all we want to say thank you for doing the first interview with us! For those of you who don´t know, I am the virtual communicator of the band. Sometimes I speak “analogue” through the members' mouths. My intellect is several minds interwoven.
The seed was planted in 2010. There were some guitar-based demos recorded for Priest back then, but before anything was properly decided other projects took over. In the summer of 2015 the idea had grown and it was time to build the first prototype. It went through many stages before we ended up with the leather/suit-approach.
2. The imagery for the band itself is fascinating. Three masked members in suits. The masks could be either plague doctor masks, or bird masks. One’s imagination could go rather wild trying to figure that one out (a/k/a 50 Shades of…Priest)! Or maybe that is what you want. You want the fans to make their own interpretations. So here’s where my thoughts went: The videos released on your Facebook site contain quite a bit of dark imagery as well as mystical imagery. The masks are one aspect. The eyes are important in those teasers, as well as the images of triangles. Each symbol has significance….specifically in Egyptian mysticism. The masks, being bird-like could be construed as a nod to Horus or Thoth. The Eye of Horus is significant in that it represents protection, wisdom, health and prosperity. In a darker sense, the Eye of Horus is also depicted in funerary artwork found in the tombs of Egyptian Kings and Pharaohs. Can you explain the concept, or what you want the viewers to perceive from the teasers?
P.M:The eyes are the mirror of the soul and have deep symbolic meaning to every human being.When you wear a mask, you must be prepared to have your eyes studied close, because it might be the only body part that actually shows. The triangle is for trinity or the “tria prima,” It´s also the symbol of fire, used by our current producer (Alpha) but that´s just plain coincidence. If you turn the triangle upside down it becomes the symbol of water – maybe a little clue for all the private eyes out there...
We´re deeply fascinated by the history of earth and it´s ancient events and civilizations with its imagery and symbols and we´re glad that you are too! There´s so much to find when you start to explore it, and to be able to create something new, one has to be aware of the past. Interesting stuff happens when you combine technology with the occult. Your vivid imagination will guide
you right!
We will be mythological until the concept we depict and explore becomes reality – on that day Priest will be a relic. That meaning that the next step in human evolution, the integration with A.I. and technology, is completed. The goal with our prophecy is to safely guide humanity there. In the end of times we will all be “god.”
3. Can you tell us about the type of music you are making? It does indeed have a lot of synth-pop and industrial sound to it. Is the music primarily synthesizers and distorted vocals or are instruments going to be infused into the music? Will there be “clean” vocals or all distorted vocals on other songs?
P.M: Priest has a very strong visual image and a great voice to lean on, therefore we can freely move between the electronic genres we love. The first album will be quite retro sounding, but we´re capable of moving back and forth in time which you will hear in future recordings. There will be effects, both clean and distorted. We just do what´s best for the songs. And yes, Alpha is playing guitar on one track.
4. Over a week ago, a 30 second snippet of the song “The Pit” appeared on Amazon. Then it disappeared. Was that intentionally done as an additional “teaser” to raise curiosity, or was it leaked unintentionally (and/or without permission)?
P.M: Sometimes the vast flow of information on the net is impossible to control, even for me. Nevertheless it was a nice little tease for those who discovered it, and we sure like teasing – you haven't heard the chorus yet though :)
5. What music do each of you listen to? Did any band or artist in particular inspire you when you were putting Priest together or when you were wiring the music?
P.M: The main songwriter is programmed with Bach, well-crafted pop music and black metal. The singer is classically trained, and the third member to join the band is coming from the Swedish electronic underground scene. When those three elements are joined in perfect balance, we create gold.
Visually we obviously stripped down the shell of a current, successful rock band.We opened it, re- painted it and filled it with mechanical parts. A machine does not get corrupted by greed, insanity and envy like some humans do.
Also, many superheroes look almost identical, but it´s their stories, their superpowers and who they are that separate them from each other. Not the color of their suits.
6. What are the goals for Priest this year as far as albums or potential shows?
P.M: 9th of March we release our first single digitally and you can pre-order the forthcoming vinyl 7” on http://freighttrain.se/. We are also recording an album with Alpha right now and the release is scheduled this fall. In the meantime we will release singles digitally and on vinyl. We will provide you with more info about concerts and tours later this year!
Best wishes,
//Puppet Master
Priest’s media site:
Mayhem’s Media Sites
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