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Avatar- Feathers & Flesh

Welcome Mayhem Music Network to the unusually alluring Freakshow known as Avatar Country. Truly a spectacle to behold Avatar has returned with their new offering to the masses “Feathers & Flesh”. With the release of Singles “Regret/House Of Eternal Hunt”, “The Eagle Has Landed”, “Tooth, Beak & Claw” and “For The Swarm” Avatar has caught our attention yet again.

An ever evolving menagerie of mayhem Avatar is stunning both in sound and In person. Having met them during their “Hail the Apocalypse” tour at their First Live Show in Kansas, at the Aftershock Bar & Grill in Merriam, Kansas. Their energy was infectious and vibrant, and their humble nature off stage was respectable and friendly. All members of Avatar were on par then as they are now with “Feathers & Flesh”.

Having kept just a tone of what caught our ear with their albums, “Avatar”, “Black Waltz” and “Hail The Apocalypse”, true to Avatar’s unpredictability with their sound “Feathers & Flesh” taps more into their recent sound explorations bringing many unusual combinations that just work.

Mayhem’s Ground Shakers

1.The Eagle Has Landed

2. One More Hill

3. Raven Wine

4. Pray The Sun Away

5. When The Snow Lies Red

Get Your Copy Here and Tell Us What Your Ground Shakers Are:

“Feathers & Flesh”:




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